Frequently Asked Questions

What is a processing session?

Amber facilities each processing session using a unique combination of Integrative Processing Technique (IPT) and Internal Family Systems (IFS), creating a safe space to gently explore the inner world of parts with compassion and curiosity. This process of connection with all the parts provides a valuable and insightful opportunity for full self-acceptance and ultimately an invitation for a more integrated and loving life experience.

What is Integrative Processing Technique (IPT)?

IPT is a 4-step process that utilizes behavioral kinesiology and the intelligence of the body to identify the age of origination where past unresolved trauma needs to be addressed. IPT is a blend of many modalities including behavioral kinesiology, guided imagery, role play, inner child work, visualization, and an in-depth study of psycho-neuro immunology. IPT is organized in such a way that it assists the client in working through and releasing toxic emotions and outdated belief systems.

IPT accesses our innate power to change behavior, heal the body, release pain, improve feelings of happiness and well-being, and facilitate rapid reconnection in relationships and heal family patterns.

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What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?

IFS is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. 

IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.  

But IFS is much more than a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy to be used in a clinical setting. It is also a way of understanding personal and intimate relationships and stepping into life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness.

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What to expect during a processing session?

  • Opportunity to speak out feelings/thoughts: While talking is not a necessary step, it can be helpful to get things flowing in the session and bring valuable information into the space. There is still value in the process without much verbalization.

  • Muscle testing (applied kinesiology): This practice is founded in the belief that the body has the capacity to give valuable information and does not lie. Muscle testing is used in the process to assist in finding the parts in the system who need the most support in any given moment.

  • Somatic Awareness: Bringing attention to the breath and the sensations/feelings in the body during your process can serve as valuable trailheads toward deeper healing.

  • Inner child/parts work: As mentioned, many of our patterns and belief systems stem from experiences during our younger years with our caregivers. During the process, there will be an opportunity for you to connect with and free those younger parts from the burdens they carry.

  • Visualization/guided imagery: When the burdened parts in our system are found, visualizing yourself at that age and imagining what may have been happening during that time can be a helpful tool in healing. Imagery and visualization can also be helpful in the releasing of emotions.

  • Role-Play/Reparenting: This can be a valuable method of offering support and love to the burdened and exiled parts of our system.

  • Integration: At this stage of the process, you have an opportunity to integrate new thoughts/beliefs with your present day self. It can also be effective and healing to invite a higher power to help with the release of burdens and integration.

What is an Integration Call?

An Integration call provides an opportunity to more deeply discuss the things that surfaced during a processing session and how they are correlated to one’s current lived experience. Amber pulls from her vast knowledge, training, experience, and intuition to provide insights, guidance, and support. Combining a processing session with an integration call is a powerful way to bring about real and lasting change.

How long is a session and call?

Plan for up to 3 hours for a processing session and up to 2 hours for an integration call.